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Test: Find out Your Subconscious Attitude to Life

This Freudian test from learning-mind just blew me away when I tried it out. Simply by writing out my personal answers to the following 8 questions it managed to penetrate the inner working of my mind, and reveal to me who I truly am. You’ve got to try this out for yourself!  All you need is some paper and something to write on it with. Number each answer as you write it down. Let us know how well it works for you!
Freudian test, subconscious, test

1. You are peering out into the ocean. What are you feeling? Pay attention and focus on your very first impression. Close your eyes if you need to.

2. Walking through a forest, you look down at the ground. What can you see? Write down what you are feeling.

3.  You can see seagulls flying up over your head. What do you feel?

4. Now you are looking at some running horses. Write down what you are feeling. Don’t over-think it.

5. In the desert, you are faced by a wall. The end of it can’t be seen, but there’s a small hole in it. You peer through and see an oasis. What will you do? Don’t only write your thoughts and feelings out, but think about what you will do.

6. As you stroll around a desert, feeling tired and exhausted, all of a sudden, you come across a jug full of water. What are you going to do?

7. Now you are lost in a forest during the night. Then you come upon a house with its lights on. What will you do? Write it down.

8. You’re lost in thick fog, because you can’t see a thing. What will you do?


DO NOT read on if you haven’t yet done the exercise above. 


How to Uncover Your Subconscious

Have you written everything down? Good. Now read below to find out what your answers reveal about your attitude to life. 

Freudian test, subconscious, test

1. This reveals your attitude to life, emotions, and your sensations.

2. This reveals how you feel about your family, and your place in it.

3. This reveals how you feel about women.

4. This reveals how you feel about men.

5. This reveals your problem-solving strategy.

6. This reveals how you choose your life-partner.

7. This reveals your readiness for marriage and family.

8. This reveals your attitude to death.


Let us know whether you think you've truly uncovered your subconscious attitude to life!

H/T: learning-mind.com; Brightside.me

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