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Why We Should Always Appreciate Nurses

Some of the hardest workers in healthcare are unfortunately very often the least appreciated. I am, of course, talking about the unsung heroes of the medical world, who offer so much of themselves on a daily basis, without ever expecting anything in return - nurses! Still not convinced? Then read on, and you'll discover just why nurses around the world deserve our complete respect and admiration.
1. They care for you when you're scared.
Why We Should Always Appreciate Nurses

We all know that being in hospital can be a nerve-racking experience, particularly if you're not entirely sure of what's going on. When I start to get panicky or afraid, it's always been one of my nurses who paid attention to me and made me feel better. In situations like these, a little peace of mind can go a long way.

2. They're the type of people who truly understand your needs.

Nurses are very special people indeed. It's not everyone who wakes up and decides to put themselves through mental and physical torture just to improve the lives of others. From their job title alone, you'll be able to gather that they're a person who's truly dedicated to helping you out every single step of the way.

3. They're always there for family members.

Many of us know just how it feels to sit at a loved one's bedside, knowing that we have absolutely no control over how the situation pans out. When all hope seems lost, it is the comforting care that a nurse provides which will continue to give strength to relatives, which they can use as fuel to keep supporting their loved one.

4. They do the jobs that nobody else wants to do.
Why We Should Always Appreciate Nurses

Every time a nurse starts their shift, they usually have close to no idea about what's in store for them. What they can be sure of though, is that they'll be doing something that most of us wouldn't even dream of doing. The nature of a nurse's work can be so personal or overpowering that we owe them a great deal of respect for carrying out these vital tasks so that we don't have to.


5. Being a nurse is emotionally challenging. 

When a nurse goes to work, they usually tend to get to know their patients on a very personal level. After all, it's only natural to form bonds with people you spend time with on a daily basis. While nurses feel joy and satisfaction when a patient gets better, the opposite is true when a patient's condition deteriorates or if they pass away. Depending on the type of ward they work in, such emotionally-charged experiences could be a daily struggle for some nurses, who still have to carry out their duties as if everything's okay.

6. They sacrifice time with their families to help yours.

If you have any friends or family members who are nurses, then you must be aware that their working hours border on the ridiculous. That's why it's important to be extremely grateful for their tireless effort, and to treat them like one of your own family members, since they're probably spending a lot more time with your family than their own. 

7. They worked hard to get qualified.
Why We Should Always Appreciate Nurses

Training to be a nurse is no easy feat. The work involved is arduous and abundant, and many people don't manage to make it to the end. In many places, students receive little to no compensation for the hundreds of hours they put in during work placements, but they still keep at it because they know that in the end they'll be rewarded with a fulfilling career.

8. We need them.

For all the reasons that have already been mentioned, along with countless others, we desperately need nurses. Without them, the entire healthcare system simply wouldn't work. These are the resilient and courageous unsung heroes to whom we owe so much, and it's utterly shameful that their work goes unnoticed so often. Next time you meet a nurse, don't forget to thank them for everything they do. They may not be expecting it, but we guarantee that it'll make a great difference.


Please share this with everyone that you know, so that nurses around the world know how much we appreciate them for everything that they do for us and our loved ones.

Source: theodysseyonline
Images: 1, 2, 3
Cover Image: depositphotos

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