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12 Fruit and Vegetables That Are Not Safe to Eat

Every year, the Environmental Working Group releases a “Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce.” Their findings are based on laboratory tests carried out by the USDA Pesticide Testing Program and the Food and Drug Administration. This group determines the average concentration of pesticides found on fruit and vegetables, and creates a list to ensure that all consumers are better informed before they buy: 

The produce is listed in order, beginning with those which are most contaminated. Most of us know about the dangers of pesticides, but just to reiterate, they have been linked to memory disorders, respiratory problems, depression, skin conditions, birth defects, higher rates of miscarriage, neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, and even cancer. 

Foods That Have the Most Pesticides on Them

Astonishingly, a study carried out by researchers at the Public Health Institute, the California Department of Health Services, and the UC Berkeley School of Public Health found that it was six times more likely that a child exposed to toxic pesticides while in the womb would have autism.


The EWG’s “Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce” may be especially useful to parents who are trying to incorporate more fruit and vegetables into their child’s diet. Evidence has shown that the human brain is not fully formed until around the age of 12, and childhood exposure to some common pesticides may have a negative impact on the development of the central nervous system.

Foods That Have the Most Pesticides on Them

Not all of us have the opportunity or the means to buy 100% organic fruit and veg. This is why the EWG creates their guide every year – to inform us of the fruit and vegetables that should be bought as organic. When picking up the 12 following produce items, you definitely shouldn’t buy them unless they’re organic.

1. Strawberries

2. Apples

3. Nectarines

4. Peaches

5. Celery

6. Grapes

7. Cherries

8. Spinach

9. Tomatoes

10. Sweet bell peppers

11. Cherry tomatoes

12. Cucumbers 

Foods That Have the Most Pesticides on Them

Luckily there’s some good news as the EWG also have a guide for those fruit and vegetables that have very little pesticide contamination at all. These are known as the “Clean Fifteen” and can be seen below:

1. Avocados

2. Sweet corn

3. Pineapples

4. Cabbage

5. Frozen sweet peas

6. Onions

7. Asparagus

8. Mangoes

9. Papayas

10. Kiwi

11. Eggplant

12. Honeydew

13. Grapefruit

14. Cantaloupe

15. Cauliflower

Source: davidwolfe
Images: depositphotos


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