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12 Wonderful Uses of WD-40

Most of us have an old spray can of WD-40 lying around somewhere in our house or garage. We probably keep it around to fix something on our car or to grease an old hinge, but we never really use it much. However, you'll be amazed to know how many other things this simple oil spray can be used for, and what a fast, easy solution it can be to some very common problems.
1. Bug spray
WD-40 can be used as an insect and bug repellent, with the same ease of use. Simply spray it on bugs, spider webs or places you want to keep bug free.
2. Clean your toilet
wd-40, oil, uses
In order to get rid of stubborn stains, marks, or even cleaning product marks on your toilet, just spray some WD-40 on them and rub with your toilet brush - they will come right off.
3. Restore the color of your old plastic furniture
wd-40, oil, uses
If your garden or pool chairs are stained and worn out, a good scrub-down with WD-40 can give them their old shine back.
4. Clean coffee or tea cup marks
wd-40, oil, uses
If your table or kitchen counter is full of ugly black cup marks, you can easily get rid of them. Just apply some WD-40 and gently rub them away with a cloth.
5. Sealing your shoes from water
wd-40, oil, uses
WD-40 is great for protecting your shoes from winter and water damage. Spray a generous amount of it on your shoes once in a while and keep them in better shape for a longer time.
6. Clean you shoe soles
wd-40, oil, uses
If you accidentally stepped on some gum or dog droppings, it's easier to clean your shoes than you know. Spray the sole with WD-40 and rub it with an old, unused toothbrush. Wash it with some water and, after one or two tries, your shoe will be clean.
7. Prevent wasps nesting
wd-40, oil, uses
To keep safe from these unwelcome visitors in the summer, spray WD-40 in hidden corners, roof gutters and other potential nesting places.
8. Clean glue
wd-40, oil, uses
If you want to remove stains caused by removed stickers or spilled glue, WD-40 can dissolve it quickly and effectively.
9. Clean and oil guitar strings
wd-40, oil, uses
Spray some WD-40 on a cloth and gently rub the strings. Don't spray it or apply it directly to the guitar itself, as it might damage the wood if it's not properly protected.
10. Take care of your leather furniture
wd-40, oil, uses
By spraying a little WD-40 and rubbing it on leather furniture, you can prevent cracks and wrinkles. It can also be used on leather belts, shoes, wallets and similar products.  
11. Remove markings and stains from the floor
wd-40, oil, uses
Much like cleaning the toilet, WD-40 can help you clean any hard surface to remove stains and markings from your floor. Spray the spot you need to clean, scrub the area with a broom and wash with water.
12. Remove stickers
Not only is WD-40 great for cleaning glue remains, it can also help you remove the sticker itself. Spray the sticker well with the oil and wait for about a minute - it will easily peel off after that.

The moral of the story? DON'T throw out that old can of WD-40! 
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