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16 Simple Solutions for Purifying the Air in Your House

Every day when we step out of our homes, we are blasted face-first with a number of toxins as well as dust and dirt. As we trudge through the proverbial mud, the hope is that when we get home, we’ll have a sanctuary waiting for us, free from the pollution of the outside world. Unfortunately, these dirty and harmful elements often do find their way into our homes in ways that we wouldn’t expect or believe. However, the hope can still be made a reality by applying these 16 handy tips to purify the air in your home.   


1. Use natural cleaning supplies

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Pretty much everything you use in your home ends up floating around in the air before eventually finding its way into your lungs. Cleaning is a daily task at home, and the detergents and soaps that are used usually have a large number of chemicals that can pollute the air in your home.

You can avoid the buildup of these chemicals by using natural cleaning supplies, as opposed to the conventional ones. You can even make your own using baking soda and vinegar.   


2. Buy and maintain houseplants 

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Some houseplants act as natural air purifiers, absorbing harmful carbon monoxide in the air and releasing oxygen. While most plants perform this basic function, some plants take this role to the next level.

The ideal plants that will work to keep your air clean are Boston Ferns, Spider plants, Peace lilies, Lady palms and English Ivy’s, among many others. The best plants, however, would probably be Snake Plants, as they require minimal water and sunlight and are relatively low maintenance.  


3. Use aerosol sprays outdoors

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Most of the time, we keep the doors and windows closed, but once in a while, we crack them open for a bit to air out the house. The instinct that follows is to use a variety of bug repellents and insecticides to get rid of the creepy crawlies that may make their way into your home.

However, using those sprays inside your house leaves the harmful agents present in these sprays lingering in your home. It is therefore advisable to open your windows for limited periods of time and spray all such aerosols outside of your home and not inside.  


4. Make good use of baking soda

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Not only is baking soda a necessary ingredient for many homemade natural cleaning solutions and air fresheners, but it is also great at absorbing pungent odors. The simplest way to make use of baking powder as an air purifier is to keep open boxes of this household item in areas of your home that tend to become overwhelmed by a variety of odors.

These include but are not limited to closets, litter boxes, pantries, and bathrooms. This will keep these spaces from becoming musty and trapping dust and dirt particles collected over time.       


5. Vinegar helps too

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Another quick fix way to get smells out of hard to reach places is through a simple vinegar and water solution. This acts as both an effective disinfect and has the added effect of neutralizing acrid and intense smells.

Vinegar solutions are especially helpful for dealing with spills that occur in the kitchen. First, the solution overpowers the existing scent, shortly after which the harsh scent of the vinegar will fade. As a result, the air of the room is made clearer and cleaner.   


6. There’s also citrus

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This is just an easy home-made way of getting the Lemon-Pledge vibe at home. You can take leftover peels from lemons, limes, and oranges and twist out the essential oil in various places in your kitchen to add to the aroma.

Alternatively, you can just slice a few lemons, limes and, yes, oranges too, and leave them out on any tables and countertops in your home. This will make the air fresh almost instantly.  


7. Get some natural candles

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Natural candles have a way of not only lighting up your home but also purifying the air around you. The ideal options are Beeswax candles and soy candles, and the main thing is to ensure these candles do not contain paraffin.

These candles firstly help you get a more restful sleep, but in addition to that, these candles have elements that ionize the air, neutralizing most of the toxic ions in the air. Beeswax candles also burn with minimal scent and smoke and can be extremely beneficial to people suffering from asthma and dust and pollen allergies.  


8. And add some salt lamps to the mix

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Salt lamps are another great addition to the house and act in a manner similar to natural candles. Crystal salt products, in general, pull water vapor out of the air, thereby reducing the number of pathogens, allergens and other irritants commonly found in the air.

Himalayan Pink Salt has been clinically proven to be the best option and acts as a natural toxin neutralizer, purifying the air of any room it is in.  


9. Keep your carpets fresh

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It’s important to deodorize your carpets and keep them clean, smelling fresh and free of toxins. You can, of course, make use of all-natural cleaning supplies, but washing carpets can be a real pain and sometimes not a practical solution.

So best to make use of that baking soda again. Just sprinkle some across the carpet of your choosing, let it sit for at least 20 minutes and then vacuum for spotless results.    


10. Speaking of smells, essential oils help a lot

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Essential oil diffusers are all the rage now, and for good reason. There are both electric and natural diffusers, the latter of which makes use only of candles. Both require essential oils to be purchased as well, which come in a variety of aromas of your choosing. A few drops daily into the diffuser, or even just a bowl of water, will keep your home smelling great, and many essential oils are also amazing for relieving stress, clearing congesting, and boosting your mind.        


11. Let the air trickle in 

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Blanket opening of doors and windows does seem like the best and easiest way to keep your house aired out, but it may not be an ideal solution. It may result in allowing more toxins, pollutants, dust, and insects into your home. So another solution may be the trickle-in method of airing out your home.

In addition to installing trickle vents in your home, which purify the air through the vents, you can keep windows in the respective rooms cracked open very slightly for limited periods of time to allow the air to trickle out and trickle in. 


12. When cooking, keep a fan running

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Since the main challenge with keeping the air in your home clean and clear is keeping the air circulating, it's best to make use of indoor forms of ventilation. Most stove and oven areas have a built-in exhaust fan or a kitchen hood that is always advisable to make use of, especially while cooking.

Many of the smells and particles that are created through the cooking process can linger in the air, so get the exhaust running, or install a small fan to keep the air moving.    


13. Charcoal isn’t just good for your skin

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Activated charcoal, also known as activated carbon, and bamboo charcoal can work effectively to purify your skin and your home.

It is completely odorless and has a porous structure that allows it to work effectively and efficiently absorb the many toxins floating in the air. It also helps absorb the moisture build up in your home, which is a major contributor to the formation of mildew and mold


14. Be wary of the air cleanser you’re using

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Much like the cleaning supplies you’re using, the air cleanser and air freshener you use can add more toxins to the air you’re breathing. It’s best to avoid using artificial air cleansers, as most non-natural air cleansers tend to not clean the air, but rather mask underlying odors with stronger scents.

This leaves the room still teeming with toxic particles. Natural air-fresheners, particularly those made from baking soda, do the job far better.   


15. Take your shoes off when inside

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This is something that is largely against the norm in most households because one major worry is the dirt your feet will gather while living sans-shoes. Your feet can be effectively cleaned with soap, but the same cannot be said about air.

Wearing your shoes inside your home usually results in bringing all the pollutants, dirt, dust and toxic elements into your house and the air you breathe. This is a simple change to your household habit that could cut down your work later.       


16. If all else fails, you can buy an indoor air filter

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Indoor air filters may not be an ideal solution, but they can help maintain the relative purity of your home. It is important to note, however, that most indoor air filters only catch the smaller particles, leaving some of bigger toxins still in the air.

For best results, it’s advisable to use an indoor filter along with the other natural scents and natural remedies available, such as baking soda, salt lamps, and lemon slices. 

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