Test Your Knowledge Of Our Solar Neighborhood!

Earth, as you may know, doesn't just float in the middle of space. No, we have a street address, you might say. We live in a solar neighborhood. The sun and the other planets in our solar system are our close neighbors, and as time passes we learn more and more about them, even thinking of reaching them. Do you know our neighborhood? How about you take our solar system quiz and find out?
Solar system quiz solar system
Which was formed first, the Earth or the Moon?
Solar system quiz solar system
What was the name of the first manned spacecraft to reach the moon?
Luna 1 in 1959
Apollo 13 in 1969
Luna 2 in 1969
Apollo 11 in 1969
Solar system quiz solar system
The sun is as wide as....
20,000 earths
12,000 earths
1,200 earths
109 earths
Solar system quiz solar system
How many earths can fit INSIDE the sun?
1,300,000 earths
1,300 earths
130 earths
150,000 earths
Solar system quiz solar system
What is the sun MOSTLY made of?
Solar system quiz solar system
How long does the light of the sun take to reach us here on Earth?
8 minutes
15 minutes
30 seconds
Solar system quiz solar system
The gravity on Mars is...
37% less strong than Earth
75% less strong than Earth
Half the gravity of Earth
Exactly the same as Earth
Solar system quiz solar system
The tallest mountain on Mars is called...
Olympus Mons
Babel Mountain
Babylon Mountain
Solar system quiz solar system
Compared to mount Everest, this mountain is...
Half the size
3 times as tall
Twice as tall
Only 1 kilometer tall
Solar system quiz solar system
How many hours does Mars have in a day?
Solar system quiz solar system
Which is the coldest planet in our solar system?
Solar system quiz solar system
The HOTTEST planet in our solar system is...
Solar system quiz solar system
Which planet has the longest YEAR?
solar system quiz: woman drinking coffee
You don't need to look up at the stars. You consider yourself down-to-earth and take interest on things that may actually affect you. You are practical and logical, and those are not bad things to be!
solar system quiz: boy astronaut
Beginner Astronaut
You definitely have some knowledge of our solar system, enough to crown you a beginner astronomer! You have a bit more to learn, and the solar system awaits you. There's so much to learn and understand about it!
solar system quiz: astronaut
Expert Astronaut
You are a spaceman! You were born too early, you should have been born 1000 years from now so you can explore the galaxy yourself! Unfortunately we're not there yet so your amazing knowledge will have to do. Way to go!
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
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