Password Puns

Once you read these password puns, they will be logged in to your brain.

Password Puns

My wifi password is the cat's birthday month
I created a presentation on my computer but didn't use password protection...
Now it has visual aids.
How do you come up with a secure password to protect yourself against hackers?
Just make it the last 10 digits of pi.
I changed my password to "incorrect". So whenever I forget what it is the computer will say "Your password is incorrect".
What do hackers do on a boat?
Apparently Dracula sets up a password for every website so he can click on Your Account.
*Creating password*

ERROR: [Password two week]
Asked the librarian rather loudly for the wifi password. He said "Sshhhhhh!" I asked "is that all lower case?"
I got a asked to leave karaoke night for singing "Danger Zone" seven times in a row. I had exceeded the allowed number of Loggins attempts.
What do you call a program that uses every possible combination to crack a password?
A battering R.A.M.
Clean water is like password
Not everyone has access to it.
It's okay password...
...I'm insecure too...
Changed all my passwords to Kenny.
Now all I have are Kenny Loggins.
Changed my password to fortnight but apparently that's two week.
The computer said my password needed at least eight characters and at least one number, so I changed it to Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
Don't use the word "EGG" for your password...
It's very easily cracked.
I used to store motivational quotes that I found online, onto the cloud, for whenever I needed some inspiration.
Unfortunately I forgot the password for my Google account.
I have no Drive.
I was at a funeral & asked the priest for the WiFi password
"Have some respect for the dead!" he said
I replied "Is that all lower case?"
Why do you need a password to make a camp fire?
So you can log in.
In an attempt to deter computer hackers I've changed all my passwords to 'Brazil Nut'
That will be a hard one to crack.
It doesn't matter if my wife tells me Im not mature
Im not going to let her enter my tree house without the right password.
Today I Learned I should NOT have my password be the name of my cat.
I then turned to my cat and said, "Well, wJ:cg/v&A;6BTt, I guess it's back to the drawing board."
Why can't you use beef stew as a password?
Because it's not stroganoff.
Was going to change my password to MilkyTea but apparently that's too weak.
Apparently my password needs to be capitals only so I've changed it to LONDONMADRIDROME.
My email password has been hacked again
That's the third time I've had to rename the cat.