Space Puns

Strap your helmet on and check your O2 levels, because we're leaving earth for the best space puns online!

Space Puns

Where can you read about planets exploding?
In the orbituaries.
What various kinds of fishes live in space? Starfish.
When should astronauts retire?
When they start spacing out.
If an astronaut steps on chewing gum then what will happen to him? He will simply be stuck on the Orbit.
Which candy do astronauts like? Marsbar.
Why don't aliens get hungry after being blasted into space?
Because they've just had a big launch.
What do planets like to read?
Comet books.
What kind of light goes around the earth? A Satel-lite.
How will you save yourself if you come across an aggressive alien? Give him some space.
How do astronauts cook their meals?
With a Space Heater!
A space fish is usually called starfish.
Why an astronaut can be said similar to a football player? They both strive for touchdowns!
The sun is mad at the clouds because the clouds keep throwing shade.
Have you heard the one about the spaceship that came to Earth?
Never mind its over your head.
What will a space turkey say to another one? Hubble Hubble.
How does the sun say hi to the moon?
With a heat wave!
Are Earth and Moon good friends? Yes, they’ve been going around together for many years now.
Why did Neil Armstrong pee right after he made his first step on the moon?
He wanted to go where no man had gone before.
An astronaut who normally fails on a weightlessness experiment, might surely be aware of the gravity of the situation.
Scientists have found that the center of Jupiter… has the letter i.
What do you call two celebrities who get into a gun fight?
One is a shooting star, and the other is a falling star.
How did the astronaut die?
exposure to Mercury.
Why did you guys not laugh at my space puns? Because there way to Sirius.
Why does the earth appreciate the moon so much?
It keeps the oceans tidy.
How can astronauts get more protein in their diet? They make it meteor.
What do you think they use in space, when they run out of the drinking cups? The Big Dipper.
Beer is the greatest beverage on earth.
That's my pint of view, anyway.
What is suns favorite chocolate bar?
A milky way.
When a planet dies, does it get an orbituary?
Living costs on the moon would probably be out of this world.
What did the astronaut cook for lunch? An unidentifiable frying object.
What do you say to an astronaut looking for a car park
There's a spaceman.
My dads astronaut friend ate pizza in space
He said it was out of this world.
Astronaut 1: I can't find any milk for my coffee.
Astronaut 2: In space, no one can. Here, use cream.
What do you call a fashionable, but judgmental monster who howls at the moon?
A What Not To Wear-Wolf.
"Hi, I'm Buzz Aldrin. Second person to step on the moon.
Neil before me."
What are Astronauts doing when they do a mistake?
They Apollogize
Last night I was but by a bloodsucker from the moon.
Damn lunatics.
The moon landing is obviously fake.
The moon is clearly still up there.
People gave the sun a rating.
It was only one star.
Wanna know a way for werewolves to howl other than the full moon?
Make them stub their toe.
What is the angriest place on Earth?
Can’t wait for the first married woman to walk on the red planet.
Just so I can ask if there’s wife on Mars.
Warning! Do not look at the sun through a colander.
You'll strain your eyes.
Why is the taste of moon rock better than that of Earth rock? Because it’s a little meteor.
I could have been an astronaut...
but my parents told me the sky was the limit.
It is difficult to hold up a trouser. How does Jupiter does it? Simply, with an asteroid belt.
What do you call an alien with three eyes?
An aliiien.
What do you think walking on the moon is like?
Not very impactful.
Why does NASA give astronauts pencils to use in space?
Because they've got the Write Stuff.