Math Pick Up Lines

Cute and funny math pick-up lines galore!

Math Pick Up Lines

If four plus four equals eight, then me plus you equals fate.
My love for you is like dividing by zero… It can’t be defined!
Girl, we must be a bipartite graph, because I just thought of an efficient algorithm for finding an optimal matching for the two of us.
I=f(U), I can't function without you.
I can figure out the square root of any number in less than 10 seconds. What? You don’t believe me? Well, then, let’s try it with your phone number.
Your beauty is like Pi, never-ending.
You must be a 90º angle. ‘Cause, you’re looking right!
Your body has the nicest arc length I have ever seen.
I hear you don’t like fractions. So will you let me be your other half?
If you were a function, then you’d be my asymptote ’cause I always tend toward you!
Baby, you’re like a student and I am like a math book, you solve all my problems.
I’m not being obtuse, you are acute girl.
Hey girl… Can I call-cu-later?
You're embarrassed by my dense pickup lines? OK, I won't continuum. I'll be more discrete.
Yo baby, you want to see me solve a quadratic?
You have one compact set.
I was supposed to solve for X. I am so glad that I found U instead.
I memorized the first 300 digits of pi. If you gave me the 7 digits of your phone number, I could memorize them too.
If we are both math majors, then why is there so much chemistry between us?
Hey girl…
Can I call-cu-later?
I less than three you.
Hi, I hear you’re good at algebra… Will you replace my X without asking Y?
I’m more interested in you than the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.
The square root of all my fantasies is you.
Why don’t we use some Fourier analysis on our relationship and reduce to a series of simple periodic functions?
Without you, I’d disintegrate.
If we were binary, you’d be the one for me.
I sure hope you know set theory, ’cause I wanna intersect and union with you.
You are sweeter than 3.14.
Are you the square root of -100? Because you’re a solid 10 but too good to be real!
Without you, I’m like a null set… Empty.
I know my math. And you’ve got one significant figure!
My love for you is like an exponential curve. It’s unbounded.
Are you p>0.5, because I’d never reject you.
I heard you like math, so what’s the sum of U+Me?
You are the square to my root.
Will you be the perimeter to my world?
Will you integrate with me? I will differentiate whoever comes in our way.
Do you like math? No? Me neither. In fact, the only number I care about is yours.
Do you want to cosine on a mortgage with me?
You have changed my world to polar coordinates. Complex and imaginary things now have a magnitude and direction.
Are you a 45-degree angle, because you’re perfect.
How about I perform a sort on your variables, and you can analyze my performance? If I were sin2x and you were cos2x, together we’d be ONE!
Date me and all of your problems will be polygone.
Girl, if I am epsilon, will you be my delta?
As I only have two factors, I’m the prime candidate for you.
Give me just a FRACTION of your heart and I will SOLVE all of your problems.
I’m a 30-60-90 triangle and you’re a 40-40-90 triangle – we’re just right for each other.
I’m a fraction – be my other half.
My love is like a fractal. It goes on forever!